Saif and Kareena have bought four floors of a building in Bandra opposite their current apartment, Fortune Heights. Apparently each floor has a 3BHK apartment that covers an area of 3,000 sq feet each and every apartment is worth Rs. 12 crore making Saifeena's new home worth Rs. 48 crores. According to the report, architect and interior designer Nozer Wadia who has designed homes for A-list celebrities like Amitabh Bachchan and Arjun Rampal has been roped in for the project.
The Begum has taken it upon herself to oversee every little detail of the house with a long list of specifications from husband Saif. He reportedly wants a swimming pool on one floor, a library for his books on another, gym and a terrace garden as well. Saif and Kareena have been living together in their old Fortune Heights home for many years now.
The couple plans to give it on rent by 2014 as soon as one of the four apartments of their new home is ready.
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